Saturday, March 15, 2008

Willie the Kid

Today I had several hours alone with the Kid.  He is starting to lose some of his crusty personality.  He is just super cute and super smiley.  And at 8 weeks old he is sleeping through the night!  Like 10-12 hours!  Of course because I am typing this he will probably be up every 3 hours tonight.  At least I know I am on my way to "normal" sleep.  This post was really just going to be about the Kid, but I have to just add that the Captain finally went "big potty" on the toilet! Yippee!!  His motivation was a cool toy that was up on a shlf in his room until he went.  We got to play with it tonight before bed.  Then up on the shelf it went.  If he can continue through the weekend we might just add it to the group of regular toys.  I pray he keeps this up!!

1 comment:

shamrockgrl74 said...

I wish you all the luck with the "big potty". Isn't it the funnest part of being a paren? LOL!