Friday, April 25, 2008

Dog Food

I've been such a flake on my bolg! So to those of you who reminded me (you know who you are!) thanks for giving me a kick! :)
So here are a few happpenings in the Capt's world. He wants to go to school. He asks every so often. Or rather "tells" me. "I want to go to school." Ugh! I have to tell him he has to wait until he's 3. He's also very into pretending these days. It's very funny and sometimes you don't know he's pretending until he's crying because you didn't eat the pretend popcicle he gave you. Yesterday he was pretending to be a dog. He wanted cheerios. He got cheerios. Then I was told they weren't cheerios, they were dog food. The funniest part was when he had eaten them all he asked if he could have more "dog food". Good thing we were at home! Yesterday was also a rough day because the Kid had a 24 hour flu. Not fun! When a 3 month old is vomiting like the exorcist. Um, kinda scary. Luckily it only happened a couple of times and my mom was here visiting. The weirdest thing about it all was the day before he had his 3 months pictures taken and he was flirting with the girl taking his pictures. Cooing and giggling at her. Definately not his usual crusty self. Then the next morning. Blech! Thankfully it stopped as quickly as it started. Oh, and we paved the side yard of our house! A nice 12 by 29 foot space for scooter and bike riding. This has now been dubbed "the Capt's Yard" Which takes on a whole different meaning when friends come over. I realize now we need friends over to play more often. The Capt is not good at sharing his own toys. He is good at sharing other people's toys. Okay, I promise to stay back on the "blog wagon" more to come!

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