Sunday, December 7, 2008


I can't be the only mom who has certain voices. Today I started giving the Capt a choice of voices. For example. If I ask the Capt to do something I usually ask nicely and say "please." If it doesn't get done my voice changes and is more commading. Sometimes I resort to yelling. Of course I hate this and always feel bad afterward. (Okay maybe not always, but many times.) There is sometimes crying and time outs get involved. So I thought I would try something new. Tonight the Capt did not want to stay in bed at night-night time. Finally I asked him if he wanted me to use the nice voice or the mean voice. He chose the nice voice. As long as he follwed directions, I used the nice voice. Doesn't follow-mean voice. He does not like the mean voice. It's his choice.

1 comment:

DMomster said...

What a great idea! I'm so going to use this! I'll let you know how it works out...and yes, we have a hex-monkey too.