Saturday, August 15, 2009


There are some moments amongst the chaos that I would like to freeze in time. Here is one from this week.
At 7am the other morning I laid in bed and listened to the kids waking up. The Kid was calling "mama." At some point when I don't answer he will start yelling, "Heidi!" The Captain usually wakes up talking. What a suprise! When he hears the Kid he goes into his room...."Hi Buddy, did you have a good sleep?" The Kid: "yeah" The Captain: "Okay, stay right here and don't cry, Promise? Don't cry I'll be right back. Promise you won't cry?" I just laid in bed and listened to this. For some reason I just find it cute. What can I say, I'm their mom!


Beth Butler said...

funny. big brother takes care of little brother I love it. Addie told me today that she makes sure Edith has a blanket on her if she wakes up early. awww. What a bunch of sweetness.

Charkie said...

I'm glad you wrote it down... you should print it and put it away for both of them when they're older. Moments like that are priceless and sometimes get lost in all the other "things to remember".