Monday, September 22, 2008

Making Progress

It's just the 3rd day of preschool and we are all making progress. Today was the Cap't first day of taking his lunch. He was less than thrilled to be going to school today but was excited about getting to be in charge of his lunch and lunch sack. In fact, he was so excited that he opened everything up on the way and we had quite a spill. Slightly melted gogurt and water does not mix well! The Capt also started to complain about his school having monsters. Since the only monsters we really know are the ones from Sesame Street I explained that they must be pretty nice. No they are not. Once at school he was still not convienced so I helped wash his hands and showed him that both Mama and Dada would beable to watch him from the cameras in the room. This stopped the tears and I ran out as fast as possible. Now, this has been emotional for me. Not for the reasons you are all thinking. Yes, I will miss my child as he is growing up, etc. I am really just conerned that poop will happen. The school has stated that the children must be "independently potty trained." The teachers can only verbally help in the matter. This freaks me out. I still sigh in relief at home when the day ends clean and dry. Dada and I still high five each other when the Capt poops in the toilet and we have saved another pair of underwear. My guard is just coming down over the whole pee situation. Especially saince learning from his teacher that he "independently" went pee on his own today at school! Pooping. That is a whole different animal. Whether right or wrong, I have put the fear of God in the child not to poop at school, UNLESS, he can do it in the toilet. Otherwise he must wait until he gets home. Then I don't care what happens. (Okay I do but I have to go with the lesser of the evils.) Do I want to be mortified to get a call from school asking me to get my child for pooping his pants? No way. I would rather waste a pair of poopy underwear at home. So there! The other nervousness comes the day the Capt does poop at school. The teachers cannot wipe his butt. I'm just not ready for that hurdle. My current mantra: just one day at a time....

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